Tag Archives: scalp micropigmentation

What Is The Best Alopecia Hair Loss Treatment For Men

Alopecia also known as spot baldness, is a hair loss condition that usually affects men. It is characterized by one or more patches of hair loss and is associated to be an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks hair follicles. Although scientists do not know what causes these changes, studies have shown that a combination of genes may predispose some men to the disease.

alopecia hair loss treatment

Each case of Alopecia is distinct, but in most of the cases the condition resolves without any treatment. However, there are some cases in which the hair loss can be permanent, especially if the condition is left unattended. Unfortunately, there isn’t a miracle pill that can completely cure Alopecia. However, there is a variety of Alopecia hair loss treatment able to deliver great results. Here are some of the best ones.
Continue reading What Is The Best Alopecia Hair Loss Treatment For Men

Hair Tattooing Is Effective Male Pattern Hair Loss Treatment

What Does Male Pattern Hair Loss Stands For?

effective male pattern hair loss
effective male pattern hair loss

Male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) is a common hair loss issue that affects mostly men, over the age of 35 or earlier. This is the most common type of hair loss that affects half of all men population by the time they reach 50. This issue is characterized by a pattern of a receding hairline and hair thinning in certain spots of the head. There are different patterns of hair loss, some men lose hair in spots on the front part of the head, while others lose hair on the back of the head or in the sides. Although not commonly, male pattern hair loss can lead to complete baldness. Continue reading Hair Tattooing Is Effective Male Pattern Hair Loss Treatment