Monthly Archives: September 2014

You are what you eat!

It’s not the expensive foundation, bronze even not a proper lightning what makes a glowing skin complexion. The skin is an outer reflection of the inner condition of your body and soul. If you really want beautiful, glowing and healthy skin, you should definitely change your way of life and food regime.


No cigarets, less coffee, more sleep and lots of fruits. Here are some health and food advices as first step to healthy and beautiful skin.


Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries!!!

Not only they are one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, but they are also full with enzymes that make skin clear and glowing. The Vitamin C essential in collagen synthesis process, and keeps skin firm with few wrinkles.

One cup of coffee!

If you exaggerate with the daily dose of caffeine, you’ll probably get small, dark brown blemishes on your skin. The caffeine produces a dose of dark pigment at some cells on your skin, that make your skin looking unclear and not healthy. Yet, drinking a cup of coffee a day will lower the risk of developing skin cancer.


The lycopene, the ingredient that makes tomatoes red, prevents your skin from sun burning. Consuming tomatoes 10 to 12 weeks before sunbathing,decreases the risk of getting burned up to 50%. Still, you need a suncream, for a complete protection.


The omega-3 -rich tuna will make your skin looking young, shiny and smooth, and will prevent it from cancer. Eating at least two portions of fish a week will not only make your skin healthier but will protect your heart also.


Rich with amino acids and beta carotene, it also contains lot of Vitamin B and is great for problematic skin with acne. Spirulina can be found in capsules or as a powder to put in your smoothie , milk or juice.


Feng Shui Ways to Enhance Your Health

I was recently redecorating my home, so I came across many interesting articles about decorating your home in a Feng Sui style.
I was never into it so much, but just before starting the redecorating everything at home was a mess. The haos was visibly reflected on our health situation.
Then searching for tip for better redecorating I found up that the Haos that I have created at home is currently reflecting on us.
There is a constant energy flowing in your home. One of the most important thing, according to Feng Sui is allowing the air flow in your home. With a free and continuing air flow in the area, you are allowing the positive vibration go though your entire home. Continue reading Feng Shui Ways to Enhance Your Health