Tag Archives: nutrition

How Can The Ketogenic Diet Change Your Life

The ketogenic diet. Maybe you’ve heard about it, maybe not, but luckily we are here to make things simple. So, basically the ketogenic diet plan food list focuses on replacing carbs with fats, which puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis.

When this occurs, your body becomes extremely efficient at burning fat to gain energy. It also turns the fat into ketones in the liver which supply energy for the brain.

This means that the keto diet plan food list has a lot of health benefits. Some of them include massive reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels, benefits against diabetes, cancer, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

Over 20 studies prove that the ketogenic diet plan food list can help you lose weight and improve your health. Not only that, but having a precise list of what to eat will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, focus on your goal (weight loss) and just live a better life.
So this is how the ketogenic diet plan food list can change your life:

ketogenic diet food list

What to avoid?

Continue reading How Can The Ketogenic Diet Change Your Life

Combine Supplements For Bigger Gains

You’re training hard, sweating like a pig every day in the gym , eating as clean as possible and yet, results seem to come slower than a snail on a dry floor. Don’t worry, results will come, just not as fast as you want to.

glutamine-benefits Continue reading Combine Supplements For Bigger Gains

Primrose Evening Oil: Women’s Favorite Remedy

Jars of primrose evening oil have been a staple on women’s natural remedies shelf for years. Women from all over the world are founding it to be very beneficial during various periods of their life. Rich in essential fatty acids, it can help address a wide range of concerns such as the following ones.


PMS Concerns

Taking primrose evening oil supplement each month can help alleviate some of the hormonal challenges of PMS. It may also help address irregular cycles. Primrose evening oil is also highly recommended for relief of painful fibrocystic breast disease, another common concern of a monthly cycle. Continue reading Primrose Evening Oil: Women’s Favorite Remedy

Propolis: A Natural Antibiotic

Traditional antibiotics are very important in medicine. But unfortunately, for decades they have been over-prescribed and over-used. As you may know, antibiotics cause damage in your gut flora, plus don’t contain any nutrients.

Thankfully, there some very effective antibiotics provided by nature, which are much better to the body. One of them is propolis – an amazing germ-killing substance produced by the bees.

Honey Bee – The Nature’s Antibiotic Producer

It’s been said that a beehive is one of the most sterile places in nature. Bees produce an incredible, complex substance in their hives using pollen, oils, resins, balsams and waxes. And that substance is used to seal and protect their hive against bacterias, virus and fungous. This substance is called propolis. Continue reading Propolis: A Natural Antibiotic

Weight Loss Supplements – Pros And Cons

When it comes to weight loss we’ve all learned about the ‘golden rule’ spend more calories than you actually take in. Permanent lifestyle changes such as implementing healthy eating habits and regular exercising are often advised by the nutritionists. However, the key for weight control doesn’t always lays in the diet and exercising plan, sometimes there is need for weight loss supplements that can help for achieving the desired weight loss goals.

Truth is, there is no magic pill that will do miracles for your extra kilos to disappear, the weight loss supplements can help you to control your appetite. Also the supplements can be of great help for you in your weight loss journey by acting as metabolic booster for you if you are one of those individuals who doesn’t enjoy exercising. Continue reading Weight Loss Supplements – Pros And Cons